
Tantra Massage Lessons
for Couples


A private Tantra massage course consists of two sessions man-to-woman, and/or two sessions woman-to-man. But if both of you would like to learn to massage each other, the entire course will have four sessions in total. You may choose how many days/weeks/months you want to wait in-between each session. I recommend you practice at least once at home before coming for the next lesson. For those of you who would like to explore the Tantric mysteries even further, it will be possible to go through a longer process. The purpose of the massage course for couples is to re-awaken, empower and inspire the spark, love, passion and growth in your couple relationship. 

The teaching takes place in a beautiful, calm, loving atmosphere.



Learn how to make your man aware of his masculine core and essence!

Every man has an inner hero who is capable of everything – and yet he needs the feminine energy, love, embrace and sensuality. Most men tend to have difficulties with letting go of their responsibility, their role and position and orientation towards a clearly defined goal – all wonderful qualities in their working life. But through Tantra massage the man gets the possibility to connect to his true masculine power and ability to feel all the pleasurable sensations with his entire body. In this way he becomes completely present here and now, centered in his heart and fully experiencing the sensual, ecstatic pleasure while staying completely relaxed. The sensual, seductive, uplifting Tantra massage given by his beloved woman is an excellent opportunity for the man to find peace of mind, to learn how to be relaxed and focused at the same time, even when the experience is intense and full of energy.

The woman in the couple and myself will massage the man together. I will show the techniques and the woman will follow. I will guide the entire session with a low voice and the woman is free to ask questions anytime, but also just to remain quiet and enjoy making her beloved feel good and happy.


Discover the goddess in your beloved!

All women have their own unique beauty and feminine power. You can help your beloved to relax, feel loved and realize the source of light and radiance within her. Many women tend to have a hard time letting go of their inhibitions and self-criticism and to manifest their true, complete and uninhibited femininity. A loving Tantra massage from the man she loves, where she is not expected to give anything in return, is a wonderful gift which will help her to blossom, and to open up to her true nature and sublime energy. In this way she can surrender fully to the heart and power of her beloved man.

We, the man in the couple and myself, will massage the woman together. I will show the techniques and the man will follow. I will guide the entire session with a low voice and the man is free to ask questions anytime, but also just to remain quiet and enjoy making his beloved open up to her ecstatic potential.



  • First session is an introduction to Tantra massage. The woman will learn how she can help the man to experience ecstatic states in his whole body by manifesting her sensuality, femininity and love, and thus take him to his innermost power and true being. You will learn the full body tantric massage without lingam massage (massage of the male genital organs).

  • In the second session you will learn more techniques and also how to deepen your experience with the full body massage.You will get the possibility to learn lingam massage (male genital massage). You will learn about the connection between the erotic energy and love and how to distribute the sexual energy in the entire body.


  • First session is an introduction to Tantra massage. Here you will learn the full body tantric massage, without Yoni massage though (massage of the female genital organs). The man will learn how to find his own center and to remain there in the love for his beloved, and thus help her to open up and reach ecstatic.

  • In the second session you will learn more techniques and also how to deepen your experience with the full body massage. You will also get the possibility to learn the yoni massage (female genital massage) and find out about the secrets of the yoni – how the yoni contains all the experiences and feelings the woman hasn’t processed yet, but also the gateway to all the wonders of her being and the goddess she truly is.


